Includes Overcoat V2
FEYNLAB HEAL LITE is the solution for hard to maintain dark colored automotive vehicles. With HEAL LITE, washed induced love marks and other light scratches will quickly vanish when the panel is heated by the sun.
HEAL LITE is a single-step ultra durable coating with excellent UV protection, extreme hydrophobic properties, and contains up to 60% of the healing capability of FEYNLAB HEAL PLUS.
HEAL LITE was developed with darker colored automotive finishes in mind. Particularly non metallic vehicles which easily reveal most paint defects such as swirl marks and other micro defects.
In addition to the impressive Self Healing Capabilities, HEAL LITE contains hearty UV resistance, rugged chemical protection, Very High Gloss, and the Superb Hydrophobic Properties that FEYNLAB coatings are engineered and known for in real world conditions.
To activate healing: simply park the vehicle in direct sun where the temperature is 30°C (85°F) or higher and the Ceramic Polymer Matrix will reset.
Product Benefits
Over the life of the product, a car coated in FEYNLAB HEAL LITE will show significantly less swirl marks and marring than other professional ceramic nano coatings on the market (except for FEYNLAB SELF-HEAL PLUS) due to the recovery properties of the coating.
HEAL LITE contains the same chemistry found in FEYNLAB HEAL PLUS (60% healing capabilities), and has similar physical properties such as; excellent UV & chemical resistance, brilliant gloss, and excellent water sheeting (hydrophobic) properties.
The mechanism behind the self healing effect is a memory polymer woven into a ceramic backbone. When heated, the polymer returns to its original state causing the self leveling effect to occur.